Competitor Analysis

Find the keywords your competitors rank for and analyze their data insights to uncover their SEO strategy in one click.
Traffic volume
Reveal potential traffic of any website or landing page in a single click. Evaluate the performance of competitors’ organic and paid search strategy and explore what SERP features help drive traffic to their website.
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Competitor keywords
Discover keywords your competitors rank for. Marketing Miner tools monitor keywords not only in organic and paid search results, but also in 9 different SERP features.
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Top pages and subdomains
Identify top performing pages on competitors' sites and use the data to your advantage to make data-driven decisions.
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Content gap analysis
Find content gaps in your content strategy and steal traffic from your competitors. Simply add your competitor websites and discover which keywords they rank for, but you do not. You can also export your data to Excel format to apply filters.
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Competing pages and domains
Discover your search competitors and review sites that frequently compete with your site in organic search results. This list can also be used to identify new link building opportunities.
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Rank tracking
Monitor up to five competitors per project and check their rankings for specific keywords. Use our market share metric to track your competitors' SEO progress.
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Brand monitoring
Find out what people are saying about your competitors online with our brand monitoring tool! Monitor their reputation and discover new brands to stay one step ahead.
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Monitor website changes
Spy on your competitors' websites and get notified when anything changes. Set up alerts for changes in their H1, title, structured data, robots.txt file, and more.
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